Keeping Her Close: A Slow Burn Standalone Page 10
“Oh.” Sam smiled. “Guess I should have said something earlier. Anyway, we both thought it was nothing, but we talked last night and well, it’s definitely something.” She ran freshly manicured fingers through her hair.
“How long have you been seeing him?” Jordan asked.
Adrianna clasped her hands together. “And who is he?”
“One of my former client’s managers.” Sam bit her lip. “His name is Jay. He’s a sweetheart. I truly adore him. Really charming guy. It started with him calling and asking to meet up so we could discuss a new look a client of his wanted to try. Before that, we’d had a few lunches together where we talked more about other things than the job. Anyway, we’ve been dating for the past month and see each other, like, every day.” Sam took a deep breath and exhaled. “Last night we discussed marriage and kids, so don’t be surprised if that news comes next.”
“Wow, Sam!” Adrianna chuckled. “I hope it works out, and as long as you guys completely think it through, I’m all for it.”
“You know how badly I want to start a family. I’m done holding back.”
“That’s great, Sam. I’m so happy for you.” Jordan smiled, but a familiar sadness rose from deep within, that everyone-is-finding-love-but-me feeling. She hated that feeling.
Adrianna grinned at her phone. “We’re almost famous, guys. Holy crap, Brandon has a lot of friends. There’s, like, three thousand likes on these pics. When are you going to get on social media again, Jo? The craze is on. Brandon and his friends have been friend-requesting Sam and me all week, and they tagged us in their pictures.”
Jordan’s stomach dropped, hoping Brandon didn’t post any of the pictures from Miami. “What pictures?”
Adrianna turned her phone toward Jordan. “Don’t worry, you look like a total bombshell!”
It was a picture from Friday night in the VIP section after she and her friends had joined Brandon there. The picture had captured her laughing with Sam about something, and Brandon and Damian were laughing with Adrianna.
She breathed a sigh of relief. “Wow, it does look good.”
“Click to the right. There’s another one—one where everyone and I are dying to know what you two were whispering about.”
Brandon was seated next to Jordan, his torso pivoted to her and head leaned in as she whispered in his ear. Upon noticing one of her hands resting on his thigh, her gut tightened. His hand covered the hand she had on his thigh. It must have been when she was asking him what time they should leave for the airport, but the photographer had impeccable timing, making the moment seem more intimate than it really was.
However, she could see, through the photographer’s eyes, what Rachael might have been referring to. She and Brandon appeared so relaxed and in sync, like they’d known each other for years.
A week after his weekend getaway with Jordan, Brandon sat contemplating his life inside the cockpit of his jet. His thoughts lingered over his mother as he wondered if chemotherapy would stop working for her. Though her health seemed to have stabilized for the most part, he knew it could change in an instant.
Wanting to spend as much time with her as he could, he’d started bringing his homework to her room during chemotherapy weeks. Sometimes she would be fast asleep the whole time he typed away on his laptop, but it was still comforting to be in her presence.
Though he hadn’t planned on visiting her until tomorrow, he decided to swing by the hospital as he descended the stairs of his jet back in Los Angeles. The strangest feeling came over him . . . like something was wrong.
A message alert chimed on his phone.
Damian: Are you back? Or are you still trying to be a little bitch and skip out on chest day?
Brandon tagged his other best friend in his response to Damian.
Brandon: Of course, dude. What’s wrong with you. I never miss chest day! Have you not seen Andrew’s tits?
Andrew: Assholes.
Damian: Hey, that was Brandon. I happen to love your tits, dude.
Andrew: Stop texting me, pervs! I’m in a meeting.
Brandon took a few minutes to greet his maintenance team as they took care of his biggest baby. His crew made everything easy for him. He kept telling them they didn’t have to bring his car to the aircraft when he returned, but they did anyway. He never saw himself as a client, but a part of the team, even when he flew out on personal business. However, for all the little things they did for him, he did his part to ensure they were well taken care of by the company.
Throwing his overnight bag in the backseat of his Range Rover, Brandon headed to the hospital. He hadn’t even been in the sports car mood as of late. Weird characteristics were hitting from every angle of his life, and he wouldn’t count out Jordan having something to do with many of them. For the past week, he hadn’t been able to spend a day without her; he’d had either lunch or dinner with her, or watched a movie at her apartment. And through all of that, he still hadn’t made a move.
But his time with her hadn’t all been in vain. He’d discovered that if anyone could save him, it would be her—maybe because she trusted him, something most of the women who knew his reputation and who he was would be insane to do.
The best moments with Jordan were when she tried to have her way, only to give in to what he wanted. It was both hot and rewarding each time her guard dissolved before him, making him feel as if he’d won, when in reality he probably wasn’t within the mile marker.
One thing was for sure, though, no one else came close to the connection he felt with her, and if he didn’t do something about it soon, his dick would surely morph into a pussy he should be fucking. Only not Jordan’s, at least not yet. Even thinking about her that way felt wrong. She was priceless, and if he was being honest with himself, he would feel more comfortable fucking just about anyone else but her.
Of course he wanted her, but he couldn’t—not now. He’d promised not to in Miami, and now he’d seen past all her confidence and drive for her career to witness first-hand how delicate she was. And he liked that. He liked everything about her. He just had to be careful.
Almost half an hour later, he hopped out of his car and headed up to see his mom. She’d been watching television, but as he entered her private room, she turned and smiled at him.
“How are your classes coming?” she asked.
“Good enough.” Brandon smiled, resting his head on her shoulder, his large frame on the small bed next to her. “You know your son’s brilliance has always been outside of the classroom, so it doesn’t matter.”
“It matters because you’re doing something that challenges you—not because you have to, but because you want to—and that says a lot about the man I raised.”
“Thanks, Mom. You’re always too kind. But on a serious note, are you really doing okay?”
“Yes. Will you stop worrying about me and start worrying about giving me grandchildren?” she joked.
“Mom.” Brandon frowned, staring out the window on the other side of the room. “You know I hate talking about that . . . Besides, I’ve already tried.”
As soon as the last words left his lips, he wished he could take them back. He rose from the bed, wanting to punch himself for causing the hurt and disappointment on her face.
“Sorry, I just—I don’t want to think about that. It always brings me back.”
“Okay, I won’t ask again, not because you don’t want me to, because you do need to move forward, but I also promised Jordan I wouldn’t bug you about it.”
“What? Mom! What did you tell her?” Brandon’s heart raced as he gripped his hair and pulled.
“Nothing. Calm down. We had a little girl talk, that’s all.”
“What kind of girl talk?”
“Excuse me, what’s gotten into you? That’s between her and me. But you two may have more in common than you realize. I don’t know what’s wrong with you kids nowadays, but maybe you should try talking to each other. Communication, darling. No good relationship can
prosper without it.”
He would communicate with Jordan in a few hours, but it sure as hell wasn’t going to be about reminiscing and feelings. Yuck. “I’m heading to the gym.”
It was clear his mother adored Jordan. Usually, he wasn’t one to introduce girls to her, but Jordan was so different. In fact, his first thought when Jordan had accused him of being inappropriate with her was that she needed to meet his mom. Unfortunately, that could have also been the thing that ruined his stride. He needed to get Jordan out of his head. And it could be simple. All he had to do was ask her out and sleep with her. Problem solved.
Brandon pulled a T-shirt over his head as Damian blabbed on about the latest woman to fall victim to his charms. A few older men walked around on the opposite side of the gym’s locker room, and Brandon was grateful. Damian’s revelations always tended to be more vivid than he’d like.
“It was right after you left that morning at the club. She asked if she could spend the rest of the night with me. Dude . . .” He sighed and shook his head. “I had enough sex that night to make up for the all the years I missed while I was still a virgin.” With a sly smile, he continued, “Handcuffs, man, and then she climb—”
“Holy shit, dude!” Brandon snapped. “Spare me the details, please. I know what happens when people have sex. I also know exactly what happens when you do it. No more. I get it. You had sex, you had fun, end of story.”
“Whatever. You’re just jealous. Your crush is holding out on you, isn’t she? When was the last time you got laid anyway? Probably explains that tone you’re having with me.”
“Fuck you and your one-night stands,” Brandon said, lacing up his shoes. He could feel Damian’s hard stare.
“Who says it was a one-night stand? It might be a two-, three-, or four-night stand. She bad, bruh!” Damian grinned, and Brandon shook his head as they walked out to the lifting area of the gym. “What is wrong with you? Wait, don’t tell me. I already know. It’s that golden-haired girl you’ve been hanging out with. She has you hooked. Is she that good in bed? Come on, you can tell me.”
Brandon let a few seconds pass before he spoke. “I haven’t hooked up with her, and even if I had, I wouldn’t tell you about it.”
A repulsed expression marred Damian’s face. “Then what the hell have you been doing with her all week?”
“Stuff normal people do when they like each other—movies, games, studying.”
Okay, so he didn’t “study” with her, and immediately he realized he shouldn’t have said anything—much less that. Andrew would have been a better mentor for this situation, but Andrew never worked out at the gym with them, so here he was sounding like a wuss to Damian.
“You study with her?” Damian said in a high-pitched tone, throwing his hands up before helping to set the weights on the bench press. “Dude, what the fuck?” He paced back and forth with his hands on his hips. “You study with her?”
“Will you stop fucking around and come spot me?” Brandon snapped.
“I don’t know, dude. I don’t know. Can you manage to bench press without your balls? Because they’re not fucking here with you. Jordan has them. Don’t you wanna go ask for them back?”
Brandon couldn’t help but laugh. “I hate you.”
“So you two are dating . . . Ha! I never thought I’d see the day.”
Sitting up on the bench, Brandon clarified. “We aren’t technically dating, just hanging out.”
Damian threw his hands up again. “Just hanging out? Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you? I thought you liked her. What are you doing? You know someone is going to swipe her away if you keep up this bullshit.”
“She’s not the kind of girl to be easily swept away. Trust me, I would know.” He ran his fingers through his hair, thinking about her full pink lips. “It’s driving me crazy, don’t get me wrong. Being so close to her and not being able to touch her, kiss her—”
“What! Eww, shut up! Who are you? You disgust me. Jesus. I won’t tell anyone you just said that. Stop it right now! But you know what? I got some advice since you’re useless without me: just do it and see how she reacts. What’s the worst that could happen? And, since you’re being a little bitch, do half the set here. Shit, you might as well grow tits with Andrew at this rate.”
Brandon lay back and gripped the bench-press bar.
As a trainer and competitive body builder, Damian followed a strict diet and workout regimen; Brandon’s only aim was to look good.
Brandon lowered the weight to his chest, and as he breathed out at the top, he mumbled, “Always talking shit.”
“Hey, I’m just pointing out the obvious. You’re already pussy-whipped and haven’t even—”
Brandon narrowed his eyes as the bar touched his chest.
“See, you’ve been keeping her too close. Although, who knows . . .” Damian grinned. “She may be the one. Is that what Andrew would say?”
The doorbell rang, and Brandon watched as Jordan stood from the couch. Since she was babysitting her nephew, she’d ordered a pizza for them.
Brandon got up, too. “I’ll get it.”
“No, you paid the last time and the time before. You always pay. I’ll get it,” she insisted.
“I recognize your independence, but it’s in my character to take care of people, so I’ll get it. Please, don’t worry about it. Take advantage of me.”
He shook his head. “I promise it’s okay. Just get the wine ready.”
Jordan took off running for the door. He caught her from behind.
“Nice try, but not today.”
She laughed. “You’re not as fast as you think.”
Nothing turned him on more than a woman he could compete with. “Oh yeah? Would you like to take this outside? I could easily prove how fast I am.” He tipped the delivery guy with his eyes on Jordan.
“And you’re going to prove how fast you are how?” she asked, following him to the kitchen counter.
“Sprints. Parking lot. You have running shoes, right?”
She gasped. “Max, get your shoes on. We’re going to teach Brandon here a lesson.”
Max shouted his excitement, donning his sneakers while Brandon retrieved his from the trunk of his car.
“This car is awesome,” Max said, touching the Mercedes-Benz and walking around it.
“Thanks, little dude,” Brandon said, tying a shoe lace. Once he was done, he stood. “Okay, Maxie. Jordan and I are going to run down to that pole. I want you to watch us and see who gets there first. Can you do that, buddy?”
“Yes,” Max said, sliding his tongue between his two missing front teeth.
“Ready, Jordan? You seem a little nervous.”
“Oh, do I?” Jordan mocked. “Just get ready to eat my dust, Kuvat.”
Brandon laughed. “Yeah, right. Don’t think I’m going to let you win because you’re a girl. Max, send us off.”
“Ready, set . . . go!” Max yelled.
They sprinted to the pole, and as he turned to celebrate victory, he realized Jordan wasn’t far behind him.
“You still question my speed?” he asked.
“No, I’m pretty sure you finish first in a lot of things,” Jordan teased, making the first sexual joke he’d heard from her, and a good one at that.
“Don’t test me, Jordan,” he warned, not expecting to be so aroused by her words. If she only knew the countless fantasies he had about her, daily.
“Race you back.” Jordan took off running before he realized what was going on.
They tied at the finish line, and Max jumped up and down. “Can I go next? Can I, can I?”
“Sure. Do you want to go against me since your auntie is still catching her breath?” Brandon asked, smiling at Jordan as she rolled her eyes.
“Yes! And I’m going to beat you,” Max said.
“Really? Let’s see what you got. Do you want to count down?”
“Ready, set,” Max began running a few beats befo
re he yelled, “Go!”
Brandon laughed. “I’m going to get you!”
Max sped up while Brandon lingered behind.
“You’re too fast. You’re going to beat me, Max.”
After he caught up with Max at the finish line, he lifted him up and spun him around. “You’re so fast, buddy. Where did you learn to run like that?”
“I play football at school, and I’m always faster than the other kids. I run really fast. I’m not good at catching the football, but daddy says he’s going to practice with me,” Max explained as they walked back to Jordan. “Can I see inside your car?”
“Of course. Go ahead.” Brandon stood outside with Jordan while Max explored the car.
“Aren’t you going to watch him? He might break something.”
“He’s a smart kid,” Brandon said, leaning his elbows on top of his car. “He’ll be fine. Good job on the run, by the way. Very impressive. Did you run track?”
Jordan’s face glowed. “Only for a little bit in high school, but I’ll catch up to you eventually. Don’t get complacent.”
“Oh, please, it won’t be easy. Especially after your smartass comment back there.”
She laughed. “Oh, yeah? But it worked, didn’t it? You were distracted.”
Brandon shook his head and bit his lip. “You’re playing with fire. You know how much I like proving myself.”
“Max, let’s go eat, sweetie,” Jordan said, stepping away from the heat soaring between them. “Brandon’s a little hungry.”
“Little? That’s an understatement,” Brandon said, watching a cunning smile pass her lips. It was time. She was ready.
Back inside, Brandon brought the boxes of pizza over to the coffee table and watched as Jordan poured two glasses of wine and opened a box of apple juice. When Max returned from washing his hands, she ruffled his hair, kissed his cheek, and handed him his apple juice.